World Poetry Reading in Translation: Diversity of Voices, Regions, and Cultures

April 29, 2022, 4:30 pm - 6 pm CST

We invite you to participate!

The International and Area Studies Library, the Literatures and Languages Library, and the Program in Translation & Interpreting Studies are organizing a Poetry in Translation event on April 29, 2022, from 4:30 pm to 6 pm. The event will take place via Zoom.

Poems in any language and any subject are welcome, along with their translation to or from English.  We welcome original translations as well as readings of published translations.

Each participant in the event will have 5 minutes to read their poem and comment briefly on its significance.

Interested persons should send an email to one of the addresses below by April 1, 2022. Please Provide your name, email address, and the title and language of your poem (s).


Atoma Batoma (African Studies Librarian, Associate Professor)

Marek Sroka   (Literatures and Languages Librarian, Professor)

Joyce Tolliver (Director, Program in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Associate Professor of Spanish)
